We all know that farmers have one of the most dangerous occupations. They are often working with dangerous machinery, near pits and silos and of course with unpredictable livestock.
Have you thought about what might happen if you are injured and are unable to deal with your affairs yourself – Who will pay the bills? Sell the stock? Order vital feed and supplies?
This is where a Lasting Power of Attorney (or LPA) can be a vital part of your business.
An LPA allows someone to act on your behalf if you are incapable of doing so yourself. They aren’t just used in old age; they can be used following a non-fatal accident, where someone is in a coma or in hospital for an extended length of time.
Your Attorneys are people you choose to act on your behalf. If you have an LPA for Property & Financial Affairs that person can deal with your banking, the partnership accounts, the accountant, the tax man and any other financial matter.
If you also have an LPA for Health & Welfare this means that any decisions that you normally would make, can be put in the hands of someone you trust.
Thomson Hayton Winkley Rural Law Practice are happy to assist and prepare Lasting Powers of Attorney and to advise you generally about planning for the future of your farm.
So if you haven’t got them in place already, please get in touch with Nicola Steadman as you don’t know what the future might hold.