Happy New Year?
Our family law expert Wendy Wharton shares her thoughts:
The new year might be stressful for couples and the potential first steps for someone looking to apply for divorce or to separate.
Tensions within a relationship can reach breaking point following an emotionally challenging time spent with their spouse/partner and family over the Christmas and New Year period. The pressure to create the ‘perfect’ Christmas, the burden of entertaining extended family and an absence of time alone without the distraction of work and a more normal day-to-day routine can all put strain on a relationship.
Couples often find themselves spending more time together during Christmas and New Year than at any other time during the year. This can lead people to finally realise how unhappy they are in their relationships. Since December is often a time for reflection, it is easy to see how January would be the time when marriages or partnerships break down. When the marriage or relationship is not so healthy, arguments can mount, disagreements can add up, and separation is likely to occur. You may be dreading spending another holiday with your husband; wife or partner and feel that it is time to separate.
At Thomson Hayton Winkley we have noticed over the years that once Christmas is over many couples find a period of reflection often results in them contemplating a fresh start heading into the new year.
Timing is everything
Do you have the desire to make improvements this year? Do you want to make drastic changes? It is important to bear in mind that when filing for Divorce, there is a period of reflection of 20 weeks, before a Conditional Order is granted by the court and you receive a final order some 6 weeks later. This means that if you file for divorce in January, you could be divorced by the summer.
And whilst couples seeking to divorce might start looking in January, some do not actually take any steps until March or even later. That is because divorce can be a long and arduous process. If a case heads to court to sort out finances and children disputes, those proceedings could drag on for weeks, months, or even years at the very worse.
To make matters more difficult, some spouses may suffer from financial hardship since the household income will now split to provide for two separate homes. Planning exactly when to exit a marriage or cohabitation can help you minimise any financial damage.
The bigger picture
It is often said that it is not the divorce, but the way that you divorce that impacts relationships and children of the family. If you are going through a separation at this (or any) time of year, we can help manage and minimise the pressure of a potentially acrimonious phase in your life.
We find that people do not choose to separate because it is a cold, miserable Monday in January, divorce is about the future and not the past – having total confidence and conviction in your decision to separate will enable you to take control, make the right decisions and benefit in the long term.
It can become easy to lose sight of what really matters amid a separation. We commonly come across clients who have been on the fence about whether to apply for divorce or even start the discussion about divorce with their spouse or separation with their partner and use January as a starting point to move forward with the process. If this is you, why not come and see us so we can help you and let you know where you stand.
Our expertise
At Thomson Hayton Winkley, our specialist family lawyers can support you through what can be a complex, legal landscape. We are accustomed to the challenges couples face when divorcing or separating.
Thomson Hayton Winkley family lawyers understand that separation is one major decision which will require careful thought and planning and we can help you to decide your next step. We will provide compassionate and personal guidance which will allow you navigate the complexities of separation.
You are unique and so is your future
Every divorce or separation is unique. Whether you are facing a complex financial situation, co-parenting challenges, or you just simply want to part ways amicably, we provide solutions that will meet your needs.
If you have weighed up all your options and you are not happy with your present situation. If you have decided that today is the day to start your challenging new journey and want a new beginning. If you are ready to explore your options – then contact Wendy in our our family department today and let’s begin that journey by your side.