For many couples, the end of a marriage or civil partnership can be a source of great worry. Knowing how you can resolve all the financial issues can be like completing a daunting puzzle.
Good divorce lawyers like ours at Thomson Hayton Winkley Solicitors, can help shoulder the burden and will ensure that you are able to end the relationship with a fair financial settlement.
If you are unsure where to start, here are some helpful tips to think about.
Take early advice
Sometimes in the immediate aftermath of a separation, spouses begin to dispose of assets or deal with them in unconventional ways. It is therefore essential to obtain early legal advice. By taking early advice, this be nipped in the bud. We can explain your rights and what you may be entitled to, and this will enable you to address any issues you may have. As the old saying goes ‘knowledge is power’ and this holds true in divorce cases!
Don’t settle without knowing all the facts
To achieve a fair settlement, both parties need to give disclosure of their financial circumstances. We strongly recommend that you ensure that there is full frank and clear disclosure. Accepting an offer or negotiating generally without knowing the full picture of how both of you stand financially is not recommended.
Your spouse may not be prepared to cooperate voluntarily, and if this is the case then this should set alarm bells ringing from the outset.
Don’t guess!
It is essential to understand the value of your assets – whether that be properties, investments or pensions. The risks in getting this wrong usually outweigh any modest cost involved getting it right in the short term. If the disclosure raises doubts, have these assets valued.
Stay focused and try to see the bigger picture
It is easy to get caught up in the emotions which accompany a marriage breakdown and the desire to extract the maximum possible from your spouse. This can lead to couples being blinded by the fact that legal fees can sometimes end up being disproportionate to the sums which are in dispute if they get caught up in trivial arguments.
Fairness is the key, and good lawyers like here at THW, will keep you focused on achieving the best overall settlement whilst at the same time fight your corner. Negotiating does not always mean it will be costly. Getting it right for you is what we aim to do.
Think about the future
There may be many hidden issues or things you have not yet thought about, both now and in future which need to be considered. What will be the cost of cost of setting up a new home? Will you need to adjust or change your job? How easy can you can transition into single life? Are you already in a new relationship and how will that impact the situation?
We are here to help you through this journey and reach your destination – so let us take the strain for you.
Contact Wendy Wharton in our family department for an initial chat.